You Weren't Meant to Do This Alone

December 18, 2023

Recently someone shared with me,

“I’ve always felt like I had a strong community…until I got pregnant.”

I mean, it’s not that our friends suddenly don’t care about us, but a BIG shift happens the moment we become a mother.

For many of us, our priorities shift from planning our next great across-the-pond adventure to convincing ourselves that we can indeed push a HUMAN out of a tiny hole in our bodies.

And honestly whether your baby’s in your belly or in your arms, your energy is sapped.

You’re just too tired to do the whole “make new friends” thing.

Well let me let you in on a little secret--

As isolating as motherhood can be, every mom everywhere experiences that sense of isolation at some point.

And so if we’re all experiencing the same thing, are we really in it alone?

(No, friend, we’re not. And I’m here to remind you the idea of doing it alone is a LIE.)

Motherhood is a sisterhood—you’re not alone, and that even when you feel alone, there are others ready and waiting to come alongside you to support and encourage.

A big "WHY" behind Birth & Beyond is exactly this--to bring moms together to encourage one another so that we have that reminder of support. And this is why we meet every month for a live community call.

Check out some of the topics we discussed on last month’s call:

  • What should I put in my birth plan?
  • How do I make mom friends??
  • How do I get through the last month of pregnancy with a toddler?

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again—

You were never meant to walk this journey alone.

There’s a seat for you here. <3