When the Prenatal Yoga Teacher Does a Very Un-Teachery Thing

June 16, 2023

Here’s what happened.

I was talking with a private client recently about her upcoming birth (and, if you are that client and you’re reading this now, I’m pretty sure you’ve earned extra rewards in heaven for putting up with my density).

This client is planning a hospital birth, feels she’s in good hands with her medical team, and didn’t feel a doula was necessary.

I was very much “but wait please let me tell you all the reasons why a doula is great,” which is sort of okay and sort of not.

I mean, sometimes we need someone to be a bit bold, and other times we just need someone to hear us.

After our conversation, I realized, WOW I was a lot more interested in convincing her to do what I thought was best than to support her in trusting her own decisions. UGH.

Here I am, graciously invited into her experience, and I’m pushing my own agenda. I tell myself I’m doing it “for her,” but still. Not okay, not listening.

So what have I learned from all of this? A few things.

I’m so incredibly lucky to be part of each of your unique journeys. This is a privilege I don’t take lightly.

  1. I’m still learning, too. And I appreciate you letting me be open with you.
  2. Your feedback matters. My heart is to serve moms on the road of pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. When you share your honest thoughts with me, you’re allowing me to help you and others like you in the future.

Have some thoughts you’d like to share? Send me an email at sarahjoalmo@gmail.com. I’d love to hear from you!