The Scary Truth about Your "Mom Bod"

July 24, 2023

Listen, I’m not trying to scare you here, but I do want to make two things very clear:

  1. Pregnancy affects our posture. This is 100% normal.
  2. Bodies that don’t adapt optimally to those changes can have serious issues down the road.

You’ve heard me talk about this before: Our posture shifts in pregnancy, the habits solidify in postpartum, and we end up with a squishy belly and a flat butt.


Because really, what’s wrong with a squishy belly? And what if “flat butt” is just written into your DNA?

But what if these things are symptoms of something bigger going on?

Something that will make you need to wear a pad every day for decades until maybe you get surgery to fix the incontinence.

Something that makes sex never without pain and creates distance between you and your partner.

Something that makes you look at yourself in the mirror and sigh, convincing yourself this new body is the price you paid for having a baby. (Or maybe you just avoid looking in the mirror and just focus on how much you love your baby so that you don’t have to think about how much you don’t love your new body.)

I want you to feel good in your own skin. You deserve to feel good, to feel like yourself, even though you’ve gone through this incredible journey of growing and birthing a human.

Proper alignment is the foundation of all the yoga classes I teach. Take a few minutes today for yourself--visit my on-demand class library to do a little yoga to go a long way.