Sarah Starts a Yoga Blog

June 29, 2023

Hello, friends! I’m doing something I never thought I’d do.


Honestly I never thought I’d be here because WHOA blogging is a lot of work and you know I’ve already got my plate full with prenatal yoga, postpartum support for moms, etc. etc. etc.

But the reality of the world we live in is this: SEO. (If you don’t know what that is, Google it, sister!)

And I know you’re loving my yoga classes, you’re digging the on-demand video library, and you’re learning a lot from my Instagram posts about stretches to do during pregnancy and how to strengthen your pelvic floor and what’s the deal with ab separation after baby.

But if there’s one thing I’ve learned in the past [almost] 2 years of teaching perinatal yoga, it’s that I LOVE yoga but do NOT love marketing.

So this little blog just gives me one more little foothold in the online world to let people know there are good things happening for them–that you can have a positive birth experience, you can feel good pregnant, and you can love your body postpartum. All because you found this little corner of the Internet with a girl named Sarah who wants you to stop clenching your butt and use your arms instead of your hips to hold your baby.

And if you want to get these blog posts in your inbox instead, sign up for my weekly Would You Believe Me newsletter where I send a myth-busting pregnancy/postpartum message every Monday morning.