Mom Butt – Thank you, Pregnancy.

November 4, 2023

Now that you've gone through pregnancy, YOUR BUTT IS DIFFERENT.

I know, I know. You didn't expect me to say that. But it's true!

If you’ve been following along with me on IG / Pinterest / Tiktok, you’re well-versed in this one by now. And you know it’s become my new favorite thing to talk about.

But YES–before baby (before pregnancy, really), you had this nice round perky tush to boast about. Baby came, and all that changed.

(Speaking of perky…you know what, no. The boobs are done for. Honestly I’m at the point where they just kinda get in the way. Okay, back on topic.)


Here’s what happens:

In pregnancy, your hips and pelvis push forward as you embark on the great balancing challenge that is carrying around a growing baby.

And of course, muscles make things move, so this whole hip/pelvis forward thing? That’s all the glutes.

Your glutes are turned on basically any time you’re standing up and allowing yourself to settle into this “pregnancy posture,” and then it becomes normal.

(Glutes 101: When I say “your glutes are engaged,” I mean “your butt is clenched.” Got it?)

Holding your baby? Hips forward, glutes engaged.

Washing dishes? Hips forward, glutes engaged.

Brushing teeth? Hips forward, glutes engaged.

And all this engagement is actually working against you.

You see, if you’re constantly engaging a muscle, you’re actually weakening it. Muscles strengthen through the cycle of contract and release.

So a clenched butt = engaged glutes = weakening the muscle = flattening the tush.

So unless you really want a mom butt for your mom jeans, remind yourself to UNCLENCH THE CHEEKS. LET THE GLUTES GO. RELEASE THE RUMP!

I told you this was my favorite thing to talk about. : )