How to Have a Short Labor

June 16, 2023

Okay, confession–I can’t guarantee you a short labor, but I can say this:

You might be the reason for your LONG labor.

I’m not saying this to make you feel bad about yourself.

I’m telling you to remind you YOU’VE GOT THE POWER.

You do have some amount of influence in your birth experience. Sure, it’s about perspective, but it’s about technique, too.

Let me put it this way: surrender is just as important as strength. You need strength, endurance, commitment to get through labor.

I mean, it’s not a walk in the park. BUT. If you’re just “strong” the whole time, you likely won’t be progressing. You know the whole thing of “It’s been 10 hours and I’m still only 3 cm dilated?!”

If you’re resisting contractions (mentally and/or physically), your body is holding tension…most likely in your pelvic floor. If your pelvic floor is tight, that cervix is not going anywhere, hunny.

Deep breaths.

Inhale, release the pelvic floor.

Exhale, contract.

Remember that?! Try to slow your breathing, ride the waves of contractions, and let your body take you where it wants to go.

Surrender is a choice, and it’s one of the best tools in your toolbox when it comes to progressing labor and even to becoming a parent. So much is out of our control, so sometimes the best thing we can do is learn to ride with it.

If you’re pregnant, practice that pelvic floor breathing now. Come to prenatal classes with me where we put these birth prep exercises into practice.

If you’re not pregnant, reflect on where you’re holding tension in your body. Have you had pelvic floor issues? Likely tension-related, too.

Breathe. Release. Be well.