Freaking Out About Giving Birth

November 13, 2023

Every time I’ve gone into labor, I have this moment in the very beginning of “OH NO WHAT HAVE I GOTTEN MYSELF INTO?!”

But very quickly I come to my senses and realize it’s much too late for all of this–I should have thought about this about nine months prior…

But somehow each time, I’ve made it through. So here are 4 things that actually helped me have a positive birth experience:

  1. Birth affirmations – corny but effective, IMO. My favorites are Every contraction brings me closer to my baby. and Surrender is a choice.
  2. Visualizations – Actually closing my eyes and picturing a baby exiting my body.
  3. Positive stories – Asking friends to tell me their positive and empowering birth stories, and the second I hear a story that might be going elsewhere, gently asking, “Would it be okay if we talked about this at another time?”
  4. Reflection – After each birth, I’ve taken time to talk through the experience with my husband, my doula, and my midwife as well as journal to write down my birth story. This practice of processing and reflecting has helped me understand my body’s patterns through labor and delivery so I can find closure and, when applicable, prepare even better for next time. (Note: this “reflection” piece takes years in my experience. So be patient!)

All of these things are part of the Birth & Beyond experience, Sarah. I invite you to check out the B&B info page and consider investing in yourself and in your experience as a  mother by joining the community.